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  • Benjamin Berg's avatar
    data: Enable clean session shutdown after gnome-shell failure · d9ef6123
    Benjamin Berg authored and Florian Müllner's avatar Florian Müllner committed
    If the GNOME shell crashes, we run a service that may disable
    extensions. This is important so that users will not be locked out of
    their own session in case an extension is causing crashes.
    As this is a very agressive action, we tried to only do this in the
    first two minutes of the session. Unfortunately, the logic was broken
    and would result in an unclean session shutdown.
    Fix this by using the newly introduced gnome-shell-disable-extensions
    file. This is created by the extension subsystem for a period of time to
    indicate the extensions may be the cause of a gnome-shell failure.
    for a log of the bug happening and the gnome-session part to fix this.