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  • Sebastian Keller's avatar
    cursor-tracker: Move `visibility-changed` signal emission to the end · a1381ea6
    Sebastian Keller authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
    The gnome-shell magnifier listens to the `visibility-changed` signal
    and calls meta_cursor_tracker_set_pointer_visible(false) when the
    cursor became visible.
    This leads to a reentrance in meta_cursor_tracker_set_pointer_visible()
    and clutter_seat_uninhibit_unfocus() gets called twice, once from the
    meta_cursor_tracker_set_pointer_visible(false) by the magnifier and then
    the original meta_cursor_tracker_set_pointer_visible(true) continues,
    after the first call has set is_showing to false again. This breaks the
    inhibitor counting and the ability to use the cursor while using the
    Part-of: <!3661>