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  • Daniel van Vugt's avatar
    clutter: Avoid redundant margin changes · e0fd7a6d
    Daniel van Vugt authored and Georges Basile Stavracas Neto's avatar Georges Basile Stavracas Neto committed
    When profiling gnome-shell it was found that one of the main triggers
    of `clutter_actor_queue_relayout` during animations was
    `clutter_actor_set_margin_internal` continuously setting the same
    zero margins. That's obviously pointless and also expensive. So just
    avoid redundant margin changes.
    This helps to further improve performance in:
    This change previously landed as 59acb389 and then got reverted because
    it was found to make gnome-shell#517 worse. However that bug now has a
    proper fix and this branch isn't really directly related so is being