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night-light-page: Use AdwStatusPage to inform why night light is unavailable

Night light can be unavailable in three cases:

  1. Device being used remotely
  2. Unsupported graphics driver
  3. Using a virtual machine

In all of these cases, a GtkInfoBar is shown. However, GtkInfoBar is deprecated. AdwBanner is the replacement, but it's meant for short text and the text explaining the three cases above is quite long for AdwBanner. AdwStatusPage can be used with longer text, so use it.

Using a custom child in AdwBanner is unsupported because it breaks its adaptiveness (see libadwaita#814 (closed)). See also: #2020 (closed)

Case 1 and 2 Case 3
Screenshot_from_2024-04-23_23-27-39 Screenshot_from_2024-04-23_23-27-54
Edited by 𝅳Automeris naranja

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