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mouse: Show back button when window size is small

Currently, Settings does not have a button to navigate back in the mouse panel and is inconsistent with displaying the left title buttons with having anything between zero and two. (moved to !1704 (merged))

fixes #2363 (closed)


  1. I comprised a list of every AdwHeaderBar in a .ui file.
  2. I made sure every panel can be displayed in a flatpak build based on !1693 (closed) with a workaround for the mouse panel that failed to init the test dialog and crashed subsequently: cd3482d5
  3. I checked that the dialog windows have the same value for show-start- and -end-title-buttons. They all did.
  4. For the panels, I navigated to each one and noted missing or duplicate title buttons and noted a missing back button in the mouse panel.

After applying my changes, I repeated steps 3 and 4 to verify the behaviour is now as expected.

Not fixed: The title buttons are hidden for the apply header bar of the displays panel, but not the start title buttons of the sidebar.

Edited by Markus Göllnitz

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