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Labels 66

  • Help is welcome to resolve the issue
  • 4. Newcomers
    Tasks that are good for new contributors
  • 5. DX
    GNOME / gjs
    GNOME JS developer experience
  • 5. GI bridge
    GNOME / gjs
    Marshalling values into and out of JavaScript
  • 5. Overrides
    GNOME / gjs
    JS-specific overrides for GNOME libraries
  • Relates to accessibility and accessibility technologies
  • Relates to developer documentation
  • Relates to translations into different languages
  • 8. User Docs
    Relates to user documentation
  • Use this label for bring engagement team attention and possibly do PR or call for action around a feature, fix or work. Newcomers fixes are also a good fit.
  • Features, fixes and changes that have high user visibility or impact. Intended for tracking and communication with engagement team, users, etc.