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  • Fabiano Fidêncio's avatar
    media-manager: Only express-install supported medias · dad56904
    Fabiano Fidêncio authored and Felipe Borges's avatar Felipe Borges committed
    libosinfo has realised that having installer scripts tied to an OS may
    be a mistake and have added those bits to the medias themselves (since
    Trying to work around this very same issue, libosinfo has also added a
    new API on OsinfoMedia level that tells whether a media supports an
    installer script (since 1.3.0).
    Now, with those two new APIs and with the new representation Boxes can
    be more accurate on offering express-installations for its users, based
    on whether the media itself support the installer script for that
    specific profile.
    Of course, we're not breaking any kind of compatibility in case we're
    running against distros which do not have a newer enough version of
    osinfo-db or libosinfo. On those cases, the old (and kind of broken)
    behaviour will be kept the same.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarFabiano Fidêncio <>