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  • Matthias Clasen's avatar
    [gsignal] disconnect invalidated closures · d03d26fe
    Matthias Clasen authored and Allison Karlitskaya's avatar Allison Karlitskaya committed
    Modify gsignal to automatically disconnect a GClosure that becomes
    invalid (in the g_closure_invalidate() sense).
    Previously, when g_signal_connect_object() was used with a GObject as
    the user_data and that object was destroyed, the handler would no longer
    be called but the signal handler was itself was not disconnected (ie:
    the bookkeeping data was kept around).
    The main effect of this patch is that these signal handlers will now
    be automatically disconnected (and fully freed).
    The documentation for g_signal_connect_object() has anticipated this
    change for over 10 years and has advised the following workaround when
    disconnecting signal handlers connected with g_signal_connect_object():
     if (g_signal_handler_is_connected (instance, id))
       g_signal_handler_disconnect (instance, id);
    If your code follows this practice then it will continue to work.
    If your code never disconnects the signal handler then it was wasting
    memory before (and this commit fixes that).
    If your code unconditionally disconnects the signal handler then you
    will start to see (harmless) g_critical() warnings about this and you
    should fix them.