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  • Chun-wei Fan's avatar
    build: Use Meson's find_library() for MSVC builds as needed · 32d6a76b
    Chun-wei Fan authored
    Some of the dependencies' build systems for Visual Studio do not provide a
    pkg-config file upon build, so we use find_library() for them when the
    corresponding pkg-config files are not found during Visual Studio builds,
    so that one will not need to make up pkg-config files for them, which
    could be error-prone.  These .lib names match the names that are built
    with the officially supported build system that is used by their
    respective Visual Studio support.
    For ZLib, this will make gio-2.0.pc reflect on the zlib .lib based on
    what is found, or whether we use the fallback/bundled ZLib, when we
    don't have a pkg-config file for ZLib on MSVC.  We still need to depend
    on Meson to be updated to put the correct link argument for linking ZLib
    in the pkg-config case.