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  • Ray Strode's avatar
    don't return an error if we come across a value with invalid utf8 or if we · 0a5580d8
    Ray Strode authored
    2004-11-01  Ray Strode <>
    	* glib/gkeyfile.c:
    	(g_key_file_get_locale_string): don't return an
    	error if we come across a value with invalid utf8 or
    	if we don't find a translated string. Just fallback
    	to the untranslated string (Mark McLoughlin, bug
    	* glib/gkeyfile.c:
    	(g_key_file_init), (g_key_file_clear): track the
    	actual start GKeyFileGroup rather than just its name
    	(g_key_file_parse_group): allow add_group() to
    	update the start group.
    	(g_key_file_remove_group_node): update the start
    	group if it gets removed (Mark McLoughlin, bug
    	* glib/gkeyfile.c:
    	(g_key_file_parse_string_as_value): Don't escape
    	tabs and spaces in the middle of key values.