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  • Robin Malfait's avatar
    [Oxide] Add built-in `@import` processing support (#11239) · f49b054b
    Robin Malfait authored
    * run PostCSS relative to test file
    The PostCSS `from` was always set to the `tests/util/run` file with the
    current test name as a query param to make it unique. However, that
    results in issues with relative file paths because they are now relative
    to this file instead of the actual test file.
    Luckily, `expect.getState()` exposes the `testPath` value that points to
    the current test file itself.
    * add built in `@import` processing
    + additional features such that you can use `@tailwind` and `@config`
      directives before the `@import` at rule which isn't normally allowed.
      However "@tailwind" in a way is an `@import` and `@config` in a way is
      a `@charset` which can be used before the `@import` at rule.
    * drop partial normalizeTailwindDirectives when in the Oxide engine
    This will now be handled by Tailwind from a higher level, so the core
    doesn't have to worry about normalizing this anymore since it will
    always be normalized right now.
    * add `handleImportAtRules` to CLI
    * update changelog
    * scope `import processing` to the oxide engine
    * update Changelog
    * use direct comparison
    We don't need the `startsWith` check anymore because the contents of the
    comment will be the actual value we expect.