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  • Tristan Van Berkom's avatar
    Reimplemented GtkMenuItem and subclasses from top to bottom · e86dd963
    Tristan Van Berkom authored
    	* plugins/gtk+/, plugins/gtk+/glade-gtk.c: 
    	Reimplemented GtkMenuItem and subclasses from top to bottom
    	* plugins/gtk+/glade-image-item-editor.[ch], plugins/gtk+/
    	New GtkImageMenuItem editor (that embeds the child image editor when needed)
    	* gladeui/glade-command.[ch]: Added glade_command_[un]protect_widget()
    	* gladeui/glade-widget.[ch]: Added glade_widget_[un]protect()
    	protected widgets come with a message and cannot be manually deleted
    	from the project.
    	* plugins/gtk+/glade-image-editor.c, plugins/gtk+/glade-button-editor.c,
    	plugins/gtk+/glade-tool-button-editor.c, gladeui/glade-editor-table.c:
    	Fixed to:
    	- not reffer to child editables in finalize
    	- always removed external signals and weak references from finalize
    	* gladeui/glade-base-editor.c: Fixed to allow properties expand/fill
    	in both label and entry.
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=2006
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