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  • Tristan Van Berkom's avatar
    * gladeui/glade-marshallers.list, gladeui/glade-placeholder.c: · 799a017d
    Tristan Van Berkom authored
    	  Make GladePlaceholder a scrollable widget (hypothetically) to avoid runtime warnings.
    	* plugins/gtk+/ Disabled "has-separator" of GtkMessageDialog as it ignores the separator
    	  and the setting is useless (not to mention setting it causes runtime warnings: fixes bug 587288).
    	* gladeui/glade-project.[ch]: Expose glade_project_get_target_version()
    	* plugins/gtk+/glade-gtk.c:
    	  - check project target gtk+ version to decide initial state
    	    of GtkEntry::buffer.
    	  - Substitute the old manual evaluation with GPC_VERSION_CHECK()
    	  - Avoid critical warnings when setting GtkColorButton properties to NULL
    	  - Avoid critical warnings when setting GtkComboBoxEntry::text-column < 0
    	* gladeui/glade-property-class.h: Created convenience macro GPC_VERSION_CHECK
    	* gladeui/glade-utils.c: Allow loading of libraries installed in optional non-system prefixes;
    	  (so that GtkSourceView catalog is buildable and usable from your jhbuild environment)
    	  assume a path that is: ${prefix}/lib/glade3/modules/../../ and search it after the initial
    	  module search path.
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