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  • Philip Withnall's avatar
    malcontent: Add new plugin for restricting access to apps · 9301d237
    Philip Withnall authored
    This is a new plugin which loads the user’s parental controls settings
    (comprising a maximum OARS rating for apps to show, and a blacklist of
    apps to not allow launching) and use them to filter which apps are
    The OARS rating filters non-installed apps so the user can only install
    apps which are age-appropriate for them. The blacklist filters installed
    apps so that the user cannot run inappropriate apps installed for other
    These are implemented using the parental controls quirks. The UI already
    pays attention to these quirks, and hides various buttons.
    This adds an optional dependency on libmalcontent
    It is part of a wider approach to implementing parental controls, which
    includes filtering in the `flatpak` command, in gnome-shell and in the
    control center.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarPhilip Withnall <>