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Version 42.alpha0

Paulo Queiroz requested to merge wip/42.alpha0 into main


  • Theming (Tilix compatible color scheme support)
  • Theme integration with the window decorations
  • Custom fonts
  • Tabs
    • Drag outside to create new window
    • Everthing else related to tabs
  • Headerbarless mode
  • Ctrl + click to open links & files -- cannot be done with the current state of Gtk 4 port of Vte
  • Drag files to paste their path
  • Copy -- cannot be done with the current state of Gtk 4 port of Vte
  • Paste -- this currently uses a hack to work; copy/paste is not working in the Gtk 4 port of Vte
Edited by Paulo Queiroz

Merge request reports