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  • Øyvind "pippin" Kolås's avatar
    tune spectral to tristimulus and internal spectral representation · 9f5baf97
    Øyvind "pippin" Kolås authored
    Now using 5nm band size, 360-780 range and CIE 1931 standard observer
    and D50 illuminant for the conversion. To specify what spectral data
    means in relation to colorimetry we need to specify the wavelength
    range, observer and illuminant expected.
    When experimenting with HLC-Colour-Atlas-XL_SpectralData_v1-2.cxf the
    inaccuracies of the spectal data resampler in coloritto have become
    apparent, for now - using 5nm provides the best results for all input
    data wavelengths - resampling with bandpass filtering and work to avoid
    shifting the data is needed.
    The 360-780 range is the range recommended by E308 and probably other
    attempts at standardising spectral to tristimulus conversions.