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  • Hans Breuer's avatar
    DiaRenderer: replace fill_polygon() with extended draw_polygon() method · ce69adf0
    Hans Breuer authored
    What started with draw_beziergon() is continued with draw_polygon(): merge
    two calls into one to get rid of superfluous drawing commands and arbitrary
    object splits.
    Given that fill_polygon was a required method now draw_polygon is. So it was
    implemented more often than fill_bezier
    To reduce the risk of breaking file formats not yet tested the following
    pattern is introduced:
     - rename draw_polygon to stroke_polygon
     - keep fill_polygon as local function
     - make new draw_polygon call one or both for fill and stroke parameter
    As a result the output of these exporters wont change at all.
    Not optimized are: MetaPost, LibArt, XFig, VDX,
    Also not optimized, but more simple are: PGF, PS, PSTricks and Skia
    Optimized to fill and stroke in one step are: WPG, PyDia, WMF, CGM, DRS,
      cairo, SVG, Shape, GDK, HPGL(kind of;)) and DXF(as limited as before)
    Fully optimized shape rendering for: AADL, Custom, KAOS, Standard,