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  • Philip Chimento's avatar
    object: Resolve properties in resolve_no_info · 12ace06a
    Philip Chimento authored
    A regression from the property cache refactor caused properties like
    Gio.NetworkMonitor.network_available to disappear. This was because
    NetworkMonitor is an interface, implemented by a non-introspectable
    class, i.e. Gio.NetworkMonitor.get_default() gives you an instance of
    GNetworkMonitorBase which does not have introspection information.
    To fix this, we iterate through all the interfaces implemented by a
    non-introspectable type, and check if the ID to be resolved is a property
    of one of them, and define it on the prototype if so. For this we factor
    out some code into separate functions, and change resolve_no_info() to
    have a parameter specifying whether to consider only methods or both
    methods and properties.
    Closes: #182