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  • Emmanuele Bassi's avatar
    gsk: Add the ability to create fallback renderers · dace0791
    Emmanuele Bassi authored
    While porting GTK to GskRenderer we noticed that the current fallback
    code for widgets using Cairo to draw is not enough to cover all the
    possible cases.
    For instance, if a container widget still uses GtkWidget::draw to render
    its children, and at least one of them has been ported to using render
    nodes instead, the container won't know how to draw it.
    For this reason we want to provide to layers above GSK the ability to
    create a "fallback" renderer instance, created using a "parent"
    GskRenderer instance, but using a Cairo context as the rendering target
    instead of a GdkDrawingContext.
    GTK will use this inside the gtk_widget_draw() implementation, if a
    widget implements GtkWidgetClass.get_render_node().