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  • Carlos Soriano Sánchez's avatar
    gtkplacessidebar: remove notification handling · b8e2ebb8
    Carlos Soriano Sánchez authored and Matthias Clasen's avatar Matthias Clasen committed
    We were notifying when an unmount operation was performed. However,
    creating notifications from the gtk+ library is not that expected, and
    makes notification handling difficult to do from the application point
    of view since we cannot dismiss those notifications.
    This cause issues like notifications of unmount drives stay there after
    a system reboot, which confuses the user.
    Instead of that, remove the notification handling for mount operations
    on gtk+ and instead create a new signal on the gtkplacessidebar in order
    to inform applications using it about an operation about to start.
    Only drawback about this is that the GtkFileChooser loses its
    notifications when unmounting, that although we could use the new signal
    to do it, we actually don't want to notify from any part of gtk+ for