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  • Tim Janik's avatar
    macros to facilitate the printf/scanf format argument checking of gcc. · 38fc79fc
    Tim Janik authored
    Thu May  7 08:17:28 1998  Tim Janik  <>
            * glib.h (G_GNUC_PRINTF):
            (G_GNUC_SCANF): macros to facilitate the printf/scanf format argument
            checking of gcc.
            * gstring.c: const corrections, string!=NULL checks at function entry.
            (g_string_down): new function for tolower(3) conversion.
            (g_string_up): new function for toupper(3) conversion.
            * gutils.c: const corrections.
            (g_strdown): g_string_down() counterpart.
            (g_strup): g_string_up() counterpart.
            * gscanner.c (g_scanner_unexp_token):
            (g_scanner_warn): new functions to let a scanner put out warnings
            or errors, especially to react on unexpected tokens.
            * gslist.c:
            (g_slist_index): find out about about the position of a
            certain data pointer.
            (g_slist_position): find out about about the position of a
            certain node.
            * glist.c:
            (g_list_index): find out about about the position of a
            certain data pointer.
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