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  • Christian Persch's avatar
    Use a priv variable when accessing priv multiple times in the same · 061f2528
    Christian Persch authored and Christian Persch's avatar Christian Persch committed
    2006-05-02  Christian Persch  <>
    	* gtk/gtkpagesetupunixdialog.c:
    	* gtk/gtkprintcontext.c:
    	* gtk/gtkprinter.c:
    	* gtk/gtkprinteroptionwidget.c:
    	* gtk/gtkprintjob.c:
    	* gtk/gtkprintoperation-unix.c:
    	* gtk/gtkprintoperation.c:
    	* gtk/gtkprintunixdialog.c: Use a priv variable when accessing priv
    	  multiple times in the same function. Bug #340288.
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