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  • Christian Hergert's avatar
    libide: add IdeFileSettings · b6b18b73
    Christian Hergert authored
    This will be our base class for implementing various settings that can
    be applied to a file.
    My initial thought is that we will load these via
    ide_file_load_settings_async(). That will use GAsyncInitable to work
    through GIOExtensionPoints that implement various backends. The first
    to load would be a modeline that is found in the file. If that is not
    found, we would then load .editorconfig or similar. If that is not found,
    we can possibly just fall back to local settings (GSettings).
    I think I'd like to keep the local settings out of libide and instead
    in gnome-builder (it can just register the extension point for a gsettings
    loader at startup).