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Add varnam based completer

Guido Günther requested to merge wip/libvarnam into main

This is a varnam based completer so we can support indic languages.

Run for testing like

POS_TEST_COMPLETER=varnam POS_DEBUG=force-show,force-completion  _build/run --replace

If running from an installed path one can also (e.g. as part of phosh's session):

  • gsettings set sm.puri.phosh.osk.Completers default varnam
  • restart posh-osk-stub
  • enable word completion in the popover
  • select the e.g. the English (US) locale

There will then be at least two completion words: the current input in latin characters and one in Malayalam. Selecting either of these submits them. A good test case is gedit. See this demo how it looks like.


installed in e.g. /usr/local and VST files for the languages, e.g.:

cd libvarnam
mkdir -p /usr/local/share/varnam/vst
cp schemes/ml.vst /usr/local/share/varnam/vst

If VST files aren't found or the varnam completer couldn't be initialzed there will be messages on the console.


  • make completed language configurable (currently ml)
  • allow to configure path to VST files (could be follow up)

Signed-off-by: Guido Günther

Edited by Guido Günther

Merge request reports