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  • Jordan Petridis's avatar
    gitlabci: Limit cross-distos tests to only the GNOME/librsvg repo. · db965e70
    Jordan Petridis authored
    We currently have 3 test stages(not to be confused with the pipeline
    Stage 1 is the relative cheap fedora builds and linting that
    are run for every fork and every commit. It ensures that every commit
    is buildable.
    Stage 2 is the cross-distro and cross arch(amd64/i386/arm/etc) builds
    that should will run on every commit in the master and stable branches
    of the GNOME/librsvg repo.
    Stage 3 are the expensive tests that should run only on schedules or
    manually requested pipelines. Ex testing multiple gcc/rustc version
    to ensure we don't accidently brake compatibility.
    We do not want contributors to be confused if stage 1 passes but a later
    stage 2 job fails due to probably a distro specific bug, which could
    lead discourgage meant and not filling an MR. We are mote than happy
    to help you fix stuff! Thus why stage 2+ is restricted to GNOME/librsvg
    unless a pipeline is explicitly manually triggered from the Web GUI.
    Previously that would be the case as long people did not develop on fork/master
    branch. I've done that too accidently many times. This will make sure that
    such we won't have to worry about such occasions.
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