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gi-docgen 2021.6

Changes since last version:

 - Add more files to the source dist [Simon McVittie, !61]
 - Deal with loops caused by unqualified ancestor names [!62]
 - Bind the 's' key to the search entry [Marc-André Lureau, !63]
 - Fix issues found by Coverity [#78]
 - Use a stylable separator for headings [#81]
 - Do not use gtk-doc function matching [#80]
 - Expose the "optional" GIR attribute in templates [Matthias Clasen, !68]
 - Generate argument description for GError [#86]
 - Redesign the arguments and return value tables [#84, #90]
 - Handle missing 'dot' binary [#88]
 - Validate links and warn about unknown fragments [#89]
 - Improve the types hierarchy [#48]
 - Add `callback` link fragment