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Couple of updates

Bilal Elmoussaoui requested to merge bilelmoussaoui/update-bindings into main

I know this is a quiet large merge request, but I don't expect someone to actually take the time to review it.

It does few things:

  • Generate everything that can be auto-generated, whatever that doesn't build and easy to fix -> got manual bindings
  • Everything that can't be generated and requires manual bindings -> requires someone with knowledge of poppler to do the job
  • Bump to the latest gtk-rs release
  • Do couple of things that we have in common with the various crates in World/Rust that would allow us to people to easily contribute as it is the same "code" structure as elsewhere
  • Adds a CI for building/publishing the docs

I plan to merge this once the CI is green, then I will hopefully publish a new release. So that people can actually migrate to the latest gtk-rs crates release instead of waiting on crates to be published one after another

Merge request reports