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Add Spanish terminal-keyboard-layouts

Based on !480 .

I updated it to the current style and added Tab to the vertical layout.

Screenshots for the vertical layout

vertical_layout_1 vertical_layout_2 vertical_layout_3 vertical_layout_4 vertical_layout_5 vertical_layout_6

Screenshots for the horizontal layout

horizontal_layout_1 horizontal_layout_2 horizontal_layout_3 horizontal_layout_4 horizontal_layout_5 horizontal_layout_6

The spacebar in the wide layout is probably a little too small for comfortably using it on a smartphone with the thumb of ones left hand.

2 options for improving that:

  • Make the altline-width smaller; this will result in a little unused space in the 2nd row from the bottom and make the altline-buttons smaller than usual.
  • Split the spacebar into 2 spacebars (with the preferences-button in the middle); this would differ from the usual layout.
Edited by MoonlightWave-12

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