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Add osk stub to fullfil session dependencies

Administrator requested to merge osk-stub into master
  1. This helps to fullfil gnome-session dependencies on desktops where we don't have squeekboard (yet) and where it should not unfold ( allowing an upload to pureos proper so people can use it instead of / alongside gnome-shell

  2. This can become the multiplexer instead of /usr/bin/osk-wayland in the future making proper keyboard selection part of the shell package.

  3. This will also ease creating a test stub to test phosh<->osk protocol interaction in the future.

  4. this allows for distro packaging where there's no librem-5-base (and in many cases never will be) and no squeekboard yet. Together with 1. we can add squeekboard later on without any bumps.

Edited by Administrator

Merge request reports