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Draft: Allow to screenshot applications to detect e.g. adaptiveness issues

Guido Günther requested to merge guidog/phosh:screenshot-app into main

Often one wants to know if certain pages of an app fit on mobile. With

meson setup -Dtests=true -Dtools=true _build
meson compile -C _build
_build/tools/check-adaptive tools/examples/phosh-mobile-settings.acheck

you can switch through the different pages and have them screenshoted by describing the navigation patterns like:

name = phosh-mobile-settings
exec = phosh-mobile-settings
quit = <ctrl>Q







Which gives you

Phosh Mobile Settings screenshots

This is marked as draft as I won't be able to look into cleaning this up for merging near tearm but the functionality might already be useful when you don't want to check your app manually every time.

Edited by Guido Günther

Merge request reports