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Notification feedback robustness

Guido Günther requested to merge guidog/phosh:notification-blank into main

Some patches related to notifications and event feedback:

  • some minor optimizations to exit early when we triggered feedback
  • drop wayland feature flags (this one doesn't really fit in here but also nowhere else atm 😸)
  • don't skip feedback if we fail to get the app-id but use phosh's current feedback level instead
  • if the screen goes blank and there are still notifications in the tray trigger the "missed" feedback categories. Otherwise we don't handle the case where the phone is left alone somewhere but unblanked and unlocked and then the screen blank kicks in.

That last one is a bit debatable. Maybe we need to keep track of notifications and only blink when there are new notifications since that last unlock or unblank. I'm pretty happy how this (combined with screen unblank) works atm. The next improvements would need to happen on the feedbackd side so we handle event priorities.

This would make sense to land for 0.28.0 so feedback 😸 appreciated.

Edited by Guido Günther

Merge request reports