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Make pointer and touch more the same

PhocTouch was a little ahead since it already had a touch-destroy signal but now that both have a common base class we can use a common one and hence

  • use a common signal
  • make all struct members private (so we can derive if necessary)
  • start to use some common code since touch, pointers and tablet are very similar

This will get nicer once we move more input devices to PhocInput device disentangling the PhocSeat further.

I've put that on top of !303 (merged) so it's likely simpler to review that one first however commits are rather small so

git log --reverse -p master..HEAD

should work as well. As usual i tried to mess with indentation as little as possible (which wasn't that bad this time since those files are o.k. in this regard already)

A good next candidate would be PhocTablet since that has the most overlap with PhocPointer and PhocTouch but since that's not a GObject yet I didn't want to start yet another transition but rather finish ongoing ones first.

Edited by Guido Günther

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