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  • Jean Felder's avatar
    artistsview: Correctly select the first artist on launch · 5804f9b5
    Jean Felder authored
    On some setups (mostly flatpak), the first artist from the
    ArtistsView's sidebar may not be selected on launch.
    Indeed, it relies on listening to the artists-loaded signal from the
    CoreModel to select the first artist once the artists model is
    loaded. However, this signal may already have been emitted when the
    ArtistView is built. In that case, the first artist will never be
    Now, ArtistsView instead directly listens to the artists model for
    changes and uses an initial state variable (untouched_list) to check
    if it is needed to activate a row.
    The artists-loaded signal from CoreModel is now unused. It can be