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  • Owen Taylor's avatar
    Pushing and popping the visual/cmap in the init() function does no good, · d1d9c5bf
    Owen Taylor authored
    Thu Jan 21 12:20:51 1999  Owen Taylor  <>
    	* gtk/gtkcolorsel.c (gtk_color_selection_dialog_new):
    	Pushing	and popping the visual/cmap in the init()
    	function does no good, because the window itself needs
    	to be create with that visual/cmap.
    	So do it in the new() function instead.
    	This will require people doing gtk_widget_new() to do
    	the push/pop themselves, but I don't see any way around
    	it other than digging in and tweaking the window
    	widget's colormap and visual ourselves, which
    	is highly non-kosher, but would be safe...
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