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  • Jiri (George) Lebl's avatar
    set RECEIVES_DEFAULT on init, and a button press on the widget doesn't · 4b8095d5
    Jiri (George) Lebl authored
    Mon Jan 25 11:05:10 1999  George Lebl  <>
            * gtk/gtkbutton.c: set RECEIVES_DEFAULT on init, and a
              button press on the widget doesn't grab default anymore
            * gtk/gtkcheckbutton.c,gtk/gtkoptionmenu.c,gtk/gtkradiobutton.c:
              unset RECEIVES_DEFAULT on init
            * gtk/gtkwidget.[ch]: add a RECEIVES_DEFAULT flag to widget
            * gtk/gtkwindow.c,gtk/gtkplug.c: on pressing <enter>, activate
              the focused widget if it is a RECEIVES_DEFAULT widget,
              no matter what the current default_widget is
            * gtk/gtkwindow.c: on focus change, migrate the HAS_DEFAULT
              flag to CAN_DEFAULT widgets if they RECEIVE_DEFAULT as well
              or migrate it back to the default_widget if the focus widget
              doesn't "RECEIVE_DEFAULT"
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