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  • Nalin Dahyabhai's avatar
    Only suppress meta-sends-escape on Backspace if backspace is mapped to the · 9820448f
    Nalin Dahyabhai authored
    * src/vte.c(vte_terminal_key_press): Only suppress meta-sends-escape on
    	Backspace if backspace is mapped to the delete sequence.
    * src/vte.c: don't just skip reading data if selection is in progress -- we
    	wedge if we do that (#101739).  Instead, temporarily stop reading from
    	the child pty.
    * src/vte.c(vte_terminal_open_font_xft): if we get NULL when matching fonts,
    	use the desired pattern's name when displaying an error, preventing a
    	NULL dereference (#96769).
    * make building of python modules depend on configure having been
    	run with --enable-python. make --enable-python the default.  Fix an
    	indentation error in the version check which chokes Python 2.2.2.
    * src/vte.h, src/vte.c: add new signals to VteTerminalClass (NOTE: may break
    	ABI, so might as well add some padding)
    * src/vteaccess.c: be more precise about locations in text_changed signals
    	(part of #95901)
    * src/vte.c: get more selective about when we co...