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  • Nalin Dahyabhai's avatar
    Added default signal handlers to VteTerminalClass (#137961). [NOTE: ABI · d3f6530c
    Nalin Dahyabhai authored
    * src/vte.h src/vte.c: Added default signal handlers to VteTerminalClass
    	(#137961).  [NOTE: ABI change.]
    * src/vte.c(vte_terminal_configure_toplevel): don't re-invalidate everything,
    	apparently unnecessary (#122243).  Might need to back this out if I
    	ever remember what specific combination of software and versions
    	prompted its addition in the first place.
    * src/vte.c(vte_terminal_class_init): tell gettext that messages retrieved
    	from this domain should be returned in UTF-8 (#139542).
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