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  • Raffaele Sandrini's avatar
    add threading and assorted structures add an additional abstraction for · a265bc69
    Raffaele Sandrini authored
    2006-09-27  Raffaele Sandrini  <>
    	* vapi/glib-2.0.vala: add threading and assorted structures
    	* vala/valamember.vala: add an additional abstraction for all members
    	  of a class
    	* vala/valalockstatement.vala, vala/valacodegenerator.vala,
    	  vala/scanner.l, vala/valasemanticanalyzer.vala,
    	  vala/valalockable.vala, vala/parser.y, vala/valacodevisitor.vala:
    	  add lock feature to vala
    	* vala/valamethod.vala, vala/valafield.vala, vala/valaconstant.vala,
    	  vala/valasignal.vala, vala/valaproperty.vala: make those members
    	* vala/valacodegenerator.vala: use member abstraction to simlify field
    	  initialisation and destruction
    	* vala/valacodegenerator.vala: introduce new C macros VALA_FREE_CHECKED
    	  and VALA_FREE_UNCHECKED to make safe freeing code nicer
    	* vala/vala.h: update and bring arraycreationexpression in order
    	* vala/ update
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=129
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