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  • Carlos Garnacho's avatar
    libtracker-miner,crawler: Use a cancellable per crawled directory · 4896092d
    Carlos Garnacho authored and Jürg Billeter's avatar Jürg Billeter committed
    Reusing the cancellable might bring in issues if tracker_crawler_start()
    (which resets the cancellable) is called shortly after tracker_crawler_stop().
    So pending async tasks that do check for g_cancellable_is_cancelled() might
    run into the wrong state. Possibly fixes NB#287480.
    The cancellable might be used to cancel the current operation, but then
    reset and reused for the next one, while the previous operation could
    still be on the way to be cancelled. Instead, create a new cancellable
    to handle any following task.