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  • Bastien Nocera's avatar
    '+' and '-' on their own can now be used to go to the next/previous track, · c208fe7a
    Bastien Nocera authored
    2008-06-18  Bastien Nocera  <>
    	* README:
    	* src/totem.c (totem_action_open_files_list),
    	(totem_action_remote), (totem_action_handle_key_press):
    	'+' and '-' on their own can now be used to go to the next/previous
    	track, Force playback when using DVB, otherwise playback won't
    	* src/backend/bacon-video-widget-gst-0.10.c
    	(bacon_video_widget_get_metadata): Fix warning when fetching cover art
    	* src/backend/bacon-video-widget-xine.c (xine_event_message),
    	(bacon_video_widget_get_metadata): As above, and also try to give a
    	better error message when TV signal is lost
    	* src/totem-video-thumbnailer.c: Always have --g-fatal-warnings
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=5474