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WIP: menus: Update for GNOME 3.32 recommendations

Jeremy Bicha requested to merge jbicha/totem:gnome-3-22-menus into master
  • Remove the Quit menu item
  • Use the view-more-symbolic icon (similar to …) for player menu
  • Keep showing the primary menu in the play view since the options are useful in that view too. (This goes against Allan's initial recommendations. [1])
  • Temporarily keep the old app menu to demonstrate the issue where the Python console placeholder isn't working correctly in this initial implementation.


Closes: #265 (closed)


I'm marking this WIP because I couldn't figure out how to get the Python console placeholder to work. I think it's useful to keep it in the "primary menu" (☰). I guess I'm creating the menu too soon or something or not putting in the right place for the Python plugin to be able to access it.

By the way totem_object_get_menu_section () appears in my copy of the API docs, but I don't see it on the website.

cc/ @BrainBlasted

Merge request reports
