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  • Christian Hergert's avatar
    Release 3.22.1 · e22df464
    Christian Hergert authored
    Overview of changes in Sysprof 3.22.1
    Changes since 3.22.0
     * A new data source called "hostinfo" has been added. It records various
       CPU datapoints as "counters" in the sysprof capture.
     * A new visualizers abstraction has been added so that we can start
       providing new ways to look at profiler data.
     * A CPU visualizer has been added which renders datapoints recorded
       from the hostinfo data source.
     * Selecting ranges of the visualizer will update the callgraph limiting
       stacktrace samples, to the given time range.
     * Missing headers are now installed which may be needed by applications
       using libsysprof-ui.
     * A keyboard shortcuts dialog has been added.
     * A theme manager has been added to allow us to provide custom CSS for
       various themes. Currently, we have additional styling added for
       Adwaita and Adwaita-dark.
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