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  • Link Dupont's avatar
    refactor: Replace libbrasero-media with udisks · 5ca25ad4
    Link Dupont authored
    udisks exposes a D-Bus API for drive detection. UDisks provides a
    similar API to BraseroMediumMonitor for drive monitoring and
    inspection, but does not include any GTK widgets. A new class,
    SjDriveManager, implements the signal handlers to detect when new
    drives are added and removed from the system, in turn emitting its
    own signals. The UI and main application connects its own handlers to
    those signals in order to update the UI and perform device operations
    (such as reading CD track listings).
    The BraseroDriveSelection widget is replaced by a standard
    GtkComboBox. This combobox is backed by a GtkListStore, populated
    with drives detected by SjDriveManager. Via signal handlers, when
    drives are added or removed, the GtkListStore is updated accordingly.
    Notably, sj-metadata.c in libjuicer *does not* make use of
    SjDriveManager, since it's in a separately compiled static library.
    However, it does make use of a UDisksClient directly, so that the
    Brasero dependency can be dropped.