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Faces gui


the FacesTool user interface was updated as planned in #13 . Just a few bugs were introduced in the communication between FacesToolWindow buttons and mouse interaction. The main problem is the EditingPhase state machine from FacesTool.vala which have sparse code and was not programed with the new buttons in mind. Using some time I could refactor this state machine and I think every think would be better.

Known bugs:

  • Empty faces name can be "written" by the user and trow errors. Maybe would be better to not trow errors and do not save them. What should I do? Remove warning and do not save face or maybe set a default name (Unknown #%d)?
  • The code to draw things in image is call, but the image is not updated (not sure why yet). The person name is not show with mouse over, and the rectangle is not show when editing name in FacesTool window. The absence of faces label is a regression, I will find the problem. But maybe I should refactor FacesTool code first.
  • Editing one face with the mouse, and after clicking in FacesTool window hide the rectangle over image (as expected), but mouse still respond to it. The default state is not back, basically the variable editing_face_shape from FacesTool.vala should be made null, but it was not done yet.

Could you revise the new code, please?

Thank you,


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