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WIP: Removing markup from translatable strings

Ghost User requested to merge (removed):issue#48 into master

Signed-off-by: philomath

Found all the files using, grep -rn --exclude-dir={.git*,data} ./ -e "_(" | grep -e "<" | sort | awk '{print $1}' and removed the mark up from each file wherever needed, i.e. 3 files,

  • ./src/publishing/PublishingUI.vala:287:
  • ./src/faces/FacesTool.vala:180:
  • ./src/direct/DirectPhotoPage.vala:85:

I am not sure If I have to remove the tags such as this, group.add_menu_item(_("_Publish"), "Publish", "<Primary><Shift>p"); as well and update them to group.add_menu_item(_("_Publish"), "Publish", "p");?

Edited by Ghost User

Merge request reports