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  • Jonathan Matthew's avatar
    Rather than returning the entry after the current playing entry, return · a957e6e1
    Jonathan Matthew authored
    2008-05-04  Jonathan Matthew  <>
    	* shell/rb-play-order-queue.c: (rb_queue_play_order_get_next):
    	Rather than returning the entry after the current playing entry,
    	return the earliest entry in the query model that isn't already
    	playing.  This makes the queue behave a little better when it gets
    	shuffled or otherwise played out of order.
    	* shell/rb-shell-player.c: (rb_shell_player_entry_activated_cb):
    	When an entry in the queue is activated, don't move it to the start of
    	the queue; the above change makes this work properly without looking
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=5698