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  • Jonathan Matthew's avatar
    rhythmdb: convert RhythmDBEntryType into a GObject · 5e571406
    Jonathan Matthew authored
    This makes it much easier to generate bindings for rhythmdb, and makes
    creating custom entry types a bit more sane too.  Now python entry types
    are created by subclassing rhythmdb.EntryType and overriding methods.
    In C code, entry types can be created either using the old method of setting
    function pointers or by subclassing.
    RHYTHMDB_ENTRY_TYPE_INVALID no longer exists.  NULL indicates the absence of
    an entry type.
    The 'type' entry property is now a GObject rather than a pointer, so
    rhythmdb_entry_get_pointer becomes rhythmdb_entry_get_object.
    Entry types still cannot be unregistered, so reference counting of entry types
    is not much of an issue.