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  • Florian Müllner's avatar
    build: Add support for 'snapshot' builds · 90b6c575
    Florian Müllner authored and Florian Müllner's avatar Florian Müllner committed
    Our CI now generates flatpak bundles on successful builds, which
    are intended for conveniently testing proposed changes with just
    a couple of clicks. However for now we still miss that goal, due
    to two important restrictions:
     - the bundle uses the same ID/branch as the nightly
       build, so it can conflict or interfere with the
     - if Polari is already running in the session, the bundle
       has to be launched manually with --test-instance to work
    We will be able to address the former by adjusting the CI script to
    use a dedicated branch, but to address the latter, we need explicit
    support in the app. Add that in form of a compile time option for
    producing development snapshots, which injects --test-instance into
    the command line.