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  • Daronion's avatar
    room: Change highlighting behavior of private chats · a8f51362
    Daronion authored and Florian Müllner's avatar Florian Müllner committed
    We never highlight any messages in private chats, not least
    because we assume that the desktop handles notifications for
    them. That assumption isn't necessarily true (not even for
    GNOME anymore), so this is a good opportunity to reflect what
    behavior we actually want for private chats:
     - show notifications for any message (either by the desktop or
     - highlight any unread message in the sidebar
     - don't highlight any message in the chat log (because a bold
       font weight isn't effective when used for everything)
    Only the last point matches what should_highlight() currently does,
    however as conceptually *all* private messages are important, it
    makes more sense reflect that in the method and special-case the
    caller in chatView.