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WIP: UI Tweaks for the timeline

Diego Gangl requested to merge diegogangl/pitivi:timeline_ui_tweaks into master

This MR includes several tweaks for the timeline.

  • Adds a darker background for the timeline. This helps separate the parts better.
  • Makes the dividing lines (spacer) more subtle, so they don't stand out so much
  • Change the colors for Audio clips to the new HIG colors (Green 1 and Green 3).
  • Also invert the contrast in audio clips so they look better with a dark background
  • Add a CSS class for Title Clips and a specific color for them (orange 1 from the HIG)
  • Change the keyframe and line color to the new HIG colors (yellow 1)
  • Increase the dark overlay for keyframes and make the line a bit more subtle
  • Use symbolic icon for zoom


Edited by Diego Gangl

Merge request reports
